Healthy Bones Clinic
This series is designed to help you develop healthy habits for healthy bones. Best suited for people who have, or think they may have, low bone density, it will cover spine sparing modifications for daily activities, spine extensor, strength, and balance training, as well as an overview of recommendations for aerobic exercise.
The information and movement skills you'll learn will help you be proactive in managing fracture risks and reducing rates of loss in bone density. By the end of the series, you'll have a Healthy Bones Action Plan and a good understanding of what movements to incorporate into your daily living.
This course is taught and developed by Bone Fit (TM) trained instructors and will focus on exercise interventions. For more information on other aspects of osteoporosis, you can visit Osteoporosis Canada's website.
Open to all levels.
Upcoming Healthy Bones Clinic
New dates to be announced soon. Watch this space!
Price: $199.50*
Booking a single class within a series will be allowed, space permitting, beginning 24-hours in advance of the first class. $42.00*
*Prices subject to gst.
Prices advertised at our Bronze Member rate.
$15 annual membership fee applies to new and returning clients.