We are leaders in rehabilitative exercise, designing personal programs for both studio and home practice.
Our Pilates-based programs provide a progressive approach to functional and healthy movement habits.

When to book a rehabilitative package
We recommend booking a Discover Pilates session to introduce you to basic Pilates exercises and so we can recommend the best program options for you. Following this initial session, if you are recovering from injury, surgery or other physical setbacks that affect your ability to move with ease and efficiency, we will book your Welcome Package with senior teachers who will design a rehabilitative program for you.
If you have physical concerns or injuries, or have not been recently active, we recommend obtaining your medical practitioner’s permission to begin a supervised rehabilitative exercise program. We receive referrals from many health professionals including family physicians, orthopedic specialists, physiotherapists, chiropractors, and massage therapists.
Our approach to rehabilitative exercise includes Pilates as well as other approaches such as the Franklin Method, HypertonX, Body Patterns, ELDOA and Myofascial Stretching.
Please note, we do not accept third party billing.
Book a Welcome Package (5 55-min private lessons) with a senior teacher who will design your rehabilitative Pilates program:
$624 with senior teacher | $674 with VPC owner (Mairin)
Additional private sessions may be purchased starting from $125/55-min session.
More information about our Pilates Equipment Program can be found here.